About number-word.calculators.ro Website. What is it? What is its main purpose? What can you do? Thanks

What is number-word.calculators.ro?

number-word.calculators.ro is a website that offers you a series of online converters that automatically turn numbers into American and British English words, written out using letters, with explanations, for the following categories:

  • cardinal numbers (the ones expressing quantity, ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...);
  • US currency amounts of money;
  • amounts of US dollars for writing checks;
  • ordinal numbers (numbers expressing order, ex: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...);
  • time (hours and minutes);
  • years;
  • the date.

What is the main purpose of number-word.calculators.ro

number-word.calculators.ro aims at providing users a free reliable tool that helps them when writing numbers out in words.

What can you do?

If you find this website useful, spread the word, tell your friends, colleagues or those that you know they need calculation tools. At the same time, any feedback to improve our service is more than welcome and in the end it is going to help all the visitors.


We thank all our visitors. Our site will continue to grow and develop for you and with you. :-)

number-word.calculators.ro team

email / contact: email number-word.calculators.ro