How to convert amounts of money, USD currency, to words in US American English, as dollars and cents written with letters
How to convert amounts of money, without decimals, to words in US American English?
To write an integer number we first must know the place value of each digit.
- For example, the number 1,234,567 has a 1 in the millions place, a 2 in the hundred thousands, a 3 in the ten thousands place, a 4 in the thousands place, a 5 in the hundreds place, a 6 in the tens place, and a 7 in the ones place.
- 1,234,567 in words is:
- = one millions (1,000,000) + two hundred thousands (200,000) + three ten thousands (30,000) + four thousands (4,000) + five hundreds (500) + six tens (60) + seven ones (7)
- = one million + two hundred thousands + thirty thousand + four thousand + five hundred + sixty + seven
- = one million + (two hundred + thirty + four) thousand + five hundred + sixty + seven
- = one million + two hundred thirty-four thousand + five hundred + sixty-seven
- = one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven.
So, $1,234,567 USD = one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven dollars.
- 1: Note the hyphen (or the minus sign) in "thirty-four" and "sixty-seven" above. Technically, it's correct to hyphenate compound numbers between twenty-one, 21, and ninety-nine, 99.
- 2: Placement of word "and": in American English do not use the word "and" after "hundred", "thousand" or "million". So, it is "one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven" and not "one million and two hundred thirty-four thousand and five hundred and sixty-seven", though you may hear a lot of people using the last form, informally. On the contrary, the "and" word is always used in British English.