How To Write a US American Check for $947.31 (USD, US Dollar): Fill Out the Cheque in Six Simple Steps. Online Calculator

Six Steps to Write a Check for $947.31 (US dollars)

A check is a written, dated and signed document that instructs the bank to pay a certain total amount of money to the bearer. The entity who writes the check is called the payor (or drawer), while the one to whom the check is written is called the payee.


  • Use a pen to write the check instead of a pencil, whose writing is too easy to alter.
  • When writing your check, use printing instead of cursive, if possible - it's easier to read.
  • If you make an error, just write void on the check and start writing a new one.

1. Date the check

  • Although it is legal and possible to post-date (or even pre-date) a check, it is recommended to use the current date in order to avoid any possible complications.
  • It's allways a good idea to check with your bank about the terms they offer.
  • In most cases the current date is being used, in the "month - day - year" format. Today's date: 02 / 16 / 2025
  • Write the date on the Date line at the top right side of the check.

On the line Pay to the order of write the accurate name of the person or the organization you're paying.

3. Write the amount of money to be paid, as a number:

  • 947.31
  • Any amount of money is written out in figures using two decimal places (i.e. $125.50, $200.00, $900.45).
  • Write it in the payment amount box on the right side of the check, the one having the symbol $ printed to the left.
  • Start writing as far over to the left as possible - so no one could change your amount (from 9.50 to 999.50, for example).

  • Write it on the payment amount line, the one having the word DOLLARS printed to the right.
  • Use a pen instead of a pencil, whose writing is too easy to alter.
  • If your writing doesn't take up the whole space, draw a straight line through to the end of the field so no one could edit what you wrote down.
  • Write out in words only the dollar value - the cents are written numerically, as a fraction.

  • Choose your preferred form of writing the amount in words on the check from those listed below.

nine hundred forty-seven and 31/100


Letter case 3 of 3
$947.31 Converted to words written in:
Title Case * (note below)
Capital Letters at the Beginning of the Main Words:

Nine Hundred Forty-Seven and 31/100

5. Write a brief note about the payment

Write a short note about the payment you make on the Memo line, what does the payment represent.

Without your signature the check couldn't be processed. Sign on the line at the bottom right side of the check.

Important Notes:

  • If you make an error, just write void on the check and start writing a new one.
  • When writing your check, use printing instead of cursive, if possible - it's easier to read.
  • Do not post-date or pre-date the check, use the actual date.
  • When writing out the value of the check in words, the word and goes where the decimal point is.
  • To avoid nonsufficient funds fees, overdraft fees or check fraud charges, make sure you have enough funds in your account to cover the check.

Notes on the Letter Cases used to write out in words the number above:

  • 1: Lowercase: only lowercase letters are used. Example: 'seventy-six and two tenths'.
  • 2: Uppercase: only uppercase letters are used. Example: 'SEVENTY-SIX AND TWO TENTHS'.
  • 3. Title Case: the first letters of the words are capitalized, except for certain short words, such as articles, conjunctions and short prepositions, 'a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'but', 'for', 'at', 'by', 'to', 'or', 'in', etc. Example: 'Seventy-Six and Two Tenths'.
  • 4. Sentence case: only the first letter of the first word at the beginning of the sentence is capitalized. Example: 'Seventy-six and two tenths'.
  • 5. Start Case: the first letter of each word is capitalized without any exception. Example: 'Seventy-Six And Two Tenths'.
  • 6. Camel Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and the first letter of each word is capitalized except for the very first letter in the series. Example: 'seventySixAndTwoTenths'.
  • 7. Hyphen Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and the words are delimited by hyphen. Example: 'seventy-six-and-two-tenths'. Hyphen Case can be lowercase or uppercase.
  • 8. Snake Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and the words are delimited by underscore. Example: 'seventy_six_and_two_tenths'. Snake Case can be lowercase or uppercase.

General Notes on Writing Out Numbers:

  • 1: It's correct to hyphenate all compound numbers from twenty-one (21) through ninety-nine (99). The hyphen is the minus sign, as in 'thirty-four' (34).
  • 2: In American English, unlike British English, when writing out natural numbers of three or more digits, the word 'and' is not used after 'hundred' or 'thousand': so it is 'one thousand two hundred thirty-four' and not 'one thousand two hundred and thirty-four'.
  • 3. Use commas when writing in digits numbers above 999: 1,234; 43,290, 1,000,000 etc.

How to write USD currency amounts of money on checks, using both numerals and words in (US) American English

How to write out amounts of money on checks, both in numbers (digits) and in words in (US) American English? For start let's work with an even amount, without cents. Let's say we have to write a check for $1,567 (US Dollars, USD).

First, write the amount of $1,567 on the check, numerically, in the amount box.

  • This box has a $ sign to the left. Write your number in digits: 1,567.00
  • Notice the decimal point that separates dollars and cents; you have zero cents so you write .00
  • Draw a horizontal line after the amount 1,567.00, that runs from the right of the amount up to the end of the blank space. This is to prevent other people from changing / adding to your amount.

How to write out the integer number 1,567 in words, on the check?

  • We need to know the place value of each digit of the number 1,567.
  • 1,567 has a 1 in the thousands place, a 5 in the hundreds place, a 6 in the tens place and a 7 in the ones place.
  • 1,567 in words is:
  • = one thousands (1,000) + five hundreds (500) + six tens (60) + seven ones (7)
  • = one thousand + five hundred + sixty + seven
  • = one thousand five hundred sixty-seven.

Write out the amount of $1,567 USD in words, on the check.

  • Write out $1,567 USD in words on the line which has the currency type written at the end of it (dollars):
  • one thousand five hundred sixty-seven and 00/100 (the word "dollars" is already printed).
  • Notice the fraction 00/100; when you have zero cents you write after the dollar amount: and 00/100.
  • Again, draw a horizontal line after the "00/100" fraction, that runs to the end of the blank space. This is to prevent people from changing / adding to your amount.


  • 1: Note the hyphen (or the minus sign) in "sixty-seven" above. Technically, it's correct to hyphenate compound numbers between twenty-one, 21, and ninety-nine, 99.
  • 2: Placement of word "and": in American English do not use the word "and" after "hundred", "thousand" or "million". So, it is "one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven" and not "one million and two hundred thirty-four thousand and five hundred and sixty-seven", though you may hear a lot of people using the last form, informally.
  • 3: The Federal Reserve will not accept checks that are larger than $99,999,999.00 and agencies have been directed to return these checks to the originator. Beginning January 1, 2016. Check-processing equipment at the nation's Federal Reserve banks can't handle checks that big. Checks of more than $99,999,999.00 have to be processed by hand, increasing the risk of theft, fraud and errors, according to the IRS and the Treasury Department.

» Full article: how to write checks of USD dollar amounts both in numerals and in words, cents as fractions

» How to write out integer and decimal numbers in words in (US) American English, using letters instead of numerals